
paulm235 avatar image
paulm235 asked racheladmin Deactivated edited

My clover app crashes right after a payment is accepted

My clover app crashes right after a payment is accepted and it’s supposed to bring up the signature screen. It freezes the crashes and I can’t get any signatures. I can re-open the app and see that the transaction did run through. But I can never get any signatures . Clover go app version 2.3.3 running on iOS 11.2. Clover device is a Bluetooth Go
Clover Go
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1 Answer

varshaa avatar image
varshaa answered racheladmin Deactivated edited
hi @paulm235 there was a known issue identified on clovergo app on IOS 11.3. We published a new version of the app 2.3.4 fixing this crash. Please update to new version of the app and let us know if that fixed the crash for you.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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