from __future__ import print_function import re import subprocess import urllib3 import sys import ssl import getopt import tempfile import os import sqlite3 import shutil debug = False dry_run = False keep_files = False downgrade = False version = "1.1" # Version information: # 0.1: Initial release # 1.0.1: Update to fix downgrade with no current app # 1.1: Require python3, use shutil to resolve adb executable # def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def run_command(command, no_print=False): p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) lines = [] while True: l = p.stdout.readline() if not l and p.poll() is not None: break lines.append(l.strip()) if not no_print and (debug or p.returncode != 0): for line in iter(lines): eprint('{} >>> {}'.format(command, line)) return p.returncode, iter(lines) def print_help(): eprint('Usage: ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + ' [--debug] [--version] [--dry_run] [--keep] [--help] [--downgrade]') eprint('\t--debug or -d : print extended debug information') eprint('\t--version or -v : print version (and exit)') eprint('\t--dry-run or -r : show actions but do not perform them (do not download or install APKs') eprint('\t--keep or -k : keep temporary files (temp files are located under: {})'.format(tempfile.gettempdir())) eprint('\t--downgrade or -o: only downgrade, if current version is less than installed version; do not update') eprint('\t--help or -h : show this message (and exit)') def run_contains(command, s): return_code, lines = run_command(command, no_print=True) for line in lines: if s in line: return True return False def download(apk_url, apk_file): http = urllib3.PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', apk_url) if (not r.status in range(200, 299)): raise Exception("Got non-200 response downloading APK from: {}, status: {}".format(apk_url, r.status)) output = open(apk_file, 'wb') output.write( output.close() def main(argv): if sys.version_info < (3,5): sys.exit('Python 3.5+ required') global debug global version global dry_run global keep_files global downgrade try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'dvrkoh', ['debug', 'version', 'dry-run', 'keep', 'downgrade', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError: print_help() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '--help' or opt == '-h': print_help() sys.exit(0) if opt == '--debug' or opt == '-d': debug = True if opt == '--dry-run' or opt == '-r': dry_run = True if opt == '--keep' or opt == '-k': keep_files = True if opt == '--version' or opt == '-v': print(version) sys.exit(0) if opt == '--downgrade' or opt == '-o': downgrade = True adb = shutil.which('adb') if debug: print("adb={}".format(adb)) if adb is None: sys.exit('"adb" command not found. Ensure it is in your path.') run_command('{} root'.format(adb)) # We use --no-streaming because adb can hang in streaming mode when the install fails # Older adb does not support --no-streaming and will fail if it is passed, so figure out # if we need it. no_streaming = '' if run_contains(adb, "--no-streaming"): no_streaming = '--no-streaming' installed_versions = {} command = '{} shell dumpsys package'.format(adb) last_pkg = '' print('Getting installed versions...') sys.stdout.flush() return_code, lines = run_command(command) if return_code != 0: eprint("Failed to execute command: {}".format(command)) for line in lines: match ='Package \[([a-zA-Z0-9\._]+)\]', line) if match: last_pkg = if debug: print('Found package: {}'.format(last_pkg)) continue match ='versionCode=(\d+)', line) if match: version_code = installed_versions[last_pkg] = version_code if debug: print('Put installed version for pkg: {}, version code: {}'.format(last_pkg, version_code)) print('Getting current app data...') sys.stdout.flush() appinfo_db_file = '{}/appinfo.db'.format(tempfile.gettempdir()) return_code, lines = run_command('{} pull /data/data/com.clover.engine/databases/appinfo.db {}'.format(adb, appinfo_db_file)) if return_code != 0: eprint("Failed to pull app info DB from device") sys.exit(-2) try: with sqlite3.connect(appinfo_db_file) as conn: for row in conn.execute('select * from apps'): pkg = row[3] current_version = row[5] apk_url = row[7] installed_version = installed_versions.get(pkg, "?") if debug: print('Package: {}, version: {} ({})'.format(pkg, installed_version, current_version)) if (not downgrade and installed_version == '?') \ or (not downgrade and int(current_version) > int(installed_version)) \ or (downgrade and installed_version != '?' and int(current_version) < int(installed_version)): if installed_version == '?' or int(current_version) > int(installed_version): print('Updating package: {} from version: {}, to version: {}...'.format(pkg, installed_version, current_version)) else: print('Downgrading package: {} from version: {}, to version: {}...'.format(pkg, installed_version, current_version)) sys.stdout.flush() if apk_url == None: eprint('URL not found for package: {}, skipping'.format(pkg)) continue apk_file = "{}/{}-{}.apk".format(tempfile.gettempdir(), pkg, current_version) if debug: print('Downloading from URL: {}, to file: {}...'.format(apk_url, apk_file)) try: if not dry_run or keep_files: download(apk_url, apk_file) adb_install_command = '{} install {} -r -d {}'.format(adb, no_streaming, apk_file) return_code = 0 if dry_run: print(adb_install_command) else: return_code, lines = run_command(adb_install_command) finally: # If we are explicitly keeping or the command was not successful, keep the APK if keep_files or return_code != 0: print("APK file kept at: {}".format(apk_file)) else: os.remove(apk_file) finally: if keep_files: print("App info DB file kept at: {}".format(appinfo_db_file)) else :os.remove(appinfo_db_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])