
op27no2 avatar image
op27no2 asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

receipt options for secure pay


The CLOVERPAY intent has a nice screen afterwards that allows multiple options for receipts. The SECUREPAY option does not. Based on the sdk it doesn't look like this is an option, but I'd thought I'd ask here just in case. Is there any way to get the receipts screen as part of the secure_pay flow? (I am aware of the separate receipts intent, but it doesn't always seem to work correctly).


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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

ACTION_SECURE_PAY is used to process a card payment. It's not an end-end payment flow. If you use ACTION_SECURE_PAY, it's your responsibility to offer receipt options, display a post-payment summary screen, etc., or whatever makes sense for your use case.

If you want an end-end payment flow, use ACTION_CLOVER_PAY, that's what it's for.

As for "doesn't always seem to work", I'd need some more information (steps to reproduce, logs) to comment. I assume you are referring to ACTION_START_PRINT_RECEIPTS. Note that this is merchant and not customer facing.

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