
davidrichied avatar image
davidrichied asked davidrichied answered

How to Access Webhook Verification JSON data?

This is probably a simple question. I am trying to get the verification code ( from the Webhook Post request. Here is the code that I have in my PHP file.

$file = 'verification.txt';
$newdata = json_decode($_REQUEST);
$current = 'data: ' . json_encode($newdata);
file_put_contents($file, $current);

Typically, this would write the contents of a post, get, or request to a file in the same directory as the PHP file. I can confirm that the PHP file is being reached because the verification.txt file is created, but the $_REQUEST just appears as empty brackets ([ ]). I tried the same for $_POST, but that was empty as well. How can I easily retrieve the verification code? Is there a better way?

Thanks for the help!
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Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered sam Deactivated edited
First send the SUCCESS message on header, Clover Webhook won't work without it. (It wont accept 200 OK) (Emailed for a feature request for this already).

header(trim("HTTP/1.1 200 SUCCESS"));

Then get the input:
$content = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'),true);

Then save it to your file. Don't enable any modules yes so you don't get a big file P:

Hope it helped (It worked for me).
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davidrichied avatar image davidrichied commented ·

Yes! That worked! Thanks, Bryanne! I haven't been using PHP for too long (about 2 years), but I've never seen that method used before. I wonder if I would've been able to figure it out, eventually.

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davidrichied avatar image davidrichied commented ·
Hey @Bryanne Vega, another quick question. Do I have to do something with the X-Clover-Auth Code ? I ticked "Inventory - When inventory items are created, updated, or deleted." for the Webhook Subscriptions, but when I update the quantity of a product, I do not receive anything. Here is what I'm doing in my file. Thanks, again, for the help!

header(trim("HTTP/1.1 200 SUCCESS"));
$content = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'),true);
$file = 'clover-data.txt';
file_put_contents($file, $content);
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davidrichied avatar image
davidrichied answered
Hi @Sam Thanks for the suggestion to use! I set up a request bin and got a verification, but if I update the quantity of an inventory item, nothing else happens. Here's the URL to the bin: I must be overlooking a something in Clover. Do you know if there are any other steps I should take besides subscribing to events? Do I have to set an application URL, application ID, or use the app secret somewhere? Does manually updating an inventory item via the web app ( possibly not fire off a webhook request? Thanks, again for the help.
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