
blueleaves avatar image
blueleaves asked blueleaves commented

Retrieve Customer ID from Customers App

Hello, all.

My question is pretty straight forward: Am I able to retrieve the customer ID when a user selects a customer from the Customers app? I know that there is an intent: com.clover.intent.action.STARTCUSTOMERPROFILE that allows us to open the customer profile activity, but this requires knowing the customer ID before-hand. I am thus wondering if I can do the opposite: can I retrieve the ID of that customer that is selected in this customer profile activity?

I found a string under the CustomerIntent file: "com.clover.sdk.customer.intent.action.CUSTOMER_SERVICE". I assume this is to be used as part of a broadcastreceiver? Can this somehow be used to retrieve the customer ID?


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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

We don't send out an Intent when the user clicks the name of a Customer in the Customers app. What is it exactly that you are trying to accomplish?

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blueleaves avatar image blueleaves commented ·

I was actually able to implement what I wanted a different way. Thank you for the answer/information though; I appreciate it!

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