
wsadiq avatar image
wsadiq asked raghudesam commented

Network Queue Stuck

One of my customers has been having a really hard time with the network Queue. They have reached out to Clover support many times, have had their devices replaced and internet hardwired but the problem keeps on happening. When all else fails, they tend to reach out to the third party applications:-)

I visited the client today and took some pictures and can share them if needed. Basically what I noticed is that the network queue is building up on both their devices. Bot Clover stations are hardwired and internet is connected. I can visit websites on the Clover browser on the devices and out application on the device can communicate with our APIs without any problem. That would pretty much rule out the internet issue.

Clover support has not been very helpful and the customer is extremely frustrated to the point where they are ready to change their POS provider.

Is there any reason why network queue will start building up like this on both machines with no apparent issues with the internet?

Any help or guidance will be very helpful.

Clover Station
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wsadiq avatar image wsadiq commented ·
Hello - any response. This is really affecting our customer's business and it would be really good to find out if this is a known issue or whatever can be done to resolve it.
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raghudesam avatar image raghudesam wsadiq commented ·

Please share the device serial or merchant name

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1 Answer

annastivenson avatar image
annastivenson answered

When dealing with network issues like in this forum discussion, understanding gprs meaning can really help. It’s essential for troubleshooting problems related to mobile data connections and knowing how GPRS impacts communication in different systems.

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