
tcrhyne avatar image
tcrhyne asked tcrhyne commented

Merchant data export endpoint not persisting data

I've used the merchant data export successfully for some time now to export order data from multiple merchant IDs. In the last month, I've suddenly started getting the following response from the /v3/merchants/{merchant_Id}/exports/{export_Id} endpoint for a single merchant ID, even though other IDs are still working perfectly as expected. When that merchant ID fails, I get the following statusDescription in the export object: "Could not persist export."

I haven't been able to find any documentation or discussions here to provide guidance on what I could be doing wrong here. Any suggestions?

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tcrhyne avatar image tcrhyne commented ·

Here's an example of the full export object that's returned, containing the error message noted above:

"id": "{MERCHANT_ID}",
"type": "ORDERS",
"status": "FAILED",
"statusDescription": "Could not persist export",
"percentComplete": 100,
"availableUntil": 1723212530000,
"startTime": 1722834000000,
"endTime": 1723093199000,
"createdTime": 1723126124000,
"modifiedTime": 1723126130000,
"exportUrls": {
"elements": []
"merchantRef": {
"id": "{MERCHANT_ID}"
"retryCount": 0
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tcrhyne avatar image tcrhyne commented ·
For anyone following this, I've been communicating with Clover devrel over email since early Sept 2024. They seem to believe the root cause of this is a bug in old code on their side, but they have not communicated any other information beyond that, nor a timeline for a fix.
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