
jraymer1028 avatar image
jraymer1028 asked shikshade answered

Dev/Sandbox Merchants and Tips

I am trying to work with the Tips app but when I open it I get a message saying it is not configured to accept tips. Can I change that or is that something Support has to do?

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geraldine198 avatar image
geraldine198 answered geraldine198 edited


Here is some some steps which can help you.
Test Merchants in Sandbox: Use a test merchant account in the sandbox environment. Create test merchants in the Developer Dashboard.
Check Configuration: Verify the Tips app settings. Adjust tip acceptance settings if needed
Spotify Pie Chart
Hope this info will help you.
Best Regard,

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shikshade avatar image
shikshade answered

Do you enjoy playing video games? e-learning The Challenge is a fun and intellectual 2-player game that enhances thinking, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and friendship.

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