
Tristan Lutgen avatar image
Tristan Lutgen asked cameronbow commented

Is there a way to get Clover merchant "Ask for tip" or "Tip entry location" settings?

We are looking to support enabling tips on receipt for merchants using our app. Currently, we are registering all the transactions using SaleRequest, but in doing so we are limited to the feature we are looking to support.

We found a way to get the tip line to print on the receipt by using the AuthRequest class, via the Clover SDK. However, this solution does not work for our current merchants who expect tips to be on the tablet screen.

We are looking for a way to dynamically determine the Clover merchant's "Tip entry location" setting. This way we can use either the SaleRequest or the AuthRequest logic, given the merchant's Tip entry location. Is there a better way of doing this?

Additionally, is there is a way to determine if the Clover merchant has Tips enabled/disabled?

Clover Android SDK
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cameronbow avatar image cameronbow commented ·

Hello, I think you can use the GET /v3/merchants/{merchantId}/device endpoint to fetch the merchant's device configuration. Replace {merchantId} with the actual ID of the target merchant. This API call will return information about the merchant's devices, including their settings related to tipping.

From the device configuration response, you can extract the "Tip entry location" setting and whether tips are enabled or disabled.

  • Tip Entry Location: Look for the tipSuggestions field in the response. It will provide information about where the tip entry screen is displayed. If it is set to "TIP_ON_SCREEN," it means the merchant expects tips to be entered on the tablet screen.
  • Tips Enabled/Disabled: The tipMode field will indicate whether tips are enabled or disabled for the merchant. If the value is "TIP_PROVIDED," it means tips are enabled.
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