
communalnik avatar image
communalnik asked jefflawson1 edited

How to Process Payments via API

We have a custom web app where we combine several products and services for a customer's invoice. Currently, we go to the Clover app online, choose the customer from the drop-down (with their saved payment info), enter the invoice total, and process the payment.

Instead, we want to process the payment from within our web app by clicking a button like "Process Payment" and getting a confirmation without having to do the manual process on the Clover website.

What is the best way to do this? Do we associate some Clover customer ID with the customer in our web app, send the order total via the API, and get a successful/failed response? Is there sample code for this type of API call?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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dennisleon avatar image
dennisleon answered dennisleon edited

Hello, HealthCareGov

To process payments via API in your web app, you'll need to integrate with Clover's Ecommerce API. You'll associate a Clover customer ID with your customers, send the order total through the API, and receive a success or failure response. The process involves obtaining an API token, using Clover's provided endpoints to authorize and capture payments, and handling the responses.

I hope this helps you.

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered bryanvargas edited

We have a full Ecommerce API Tutorials you can go through: if you want to do it via api with some javascript coding or you can get your own payment link from your merchant dashboard by Account & Setup> Payment Links

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jefflawson1 avatar image
jefflawson1 answered jefflawson1 edited

To integrate Clover payments directly into your web app, store each customer's Clover ID in your database, and use Clover's Payments API to process payments. When a user clicks "Process Payment," send a request to Clover's API with the customer ID, order total, and necessary payment details, then handle the response to confirm success or failure.Locksmith Sherman Oaks Ensure you have the necessary OAuth tokens for authentication. For implementation, refer to Clover's API documentation and sample code

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