
shivpatel1732 avatar image
shivpatel1732 asked

Negative Items BEFORE clicking pay

Hi everyone, I was wondering if it is at all possible to develop an app that allows you to have negative items under "current order." This functionality would be for C-stores to do lottery payouts and bottle deposit payouts.

Now, I am aware of certain apps like Negative Tender and PayPlaxe, but these are both 'activated' after you click pay. I would like to start my 'order' on a negative transaction. Since this doesn't exist, I intent to develop it myself. But since I am new to Clover, is it possible in the first place?

I have attached a picture of where I want these negative transactions to go during the checkout process.clovernegative-1.jpg

clovernegative-1.jpg (129.9 KiB)
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