
noumansarwar avatar image
noumansarwar asked islasophia commented

Issue Creating ACH token got 400 - Invalid Json Format

I got an error while creating ACH token although I don't have any eCheck data I entered dummy false data here is given json payload object that I used given below:


"ach": {

"bank_account_number": "string",

"bank_routing_number": "string",

"encrypted": true,

"check_type": "personal_check",

"customer_id_type": "driver_license",

"customer_id_state": "string",

"customer_id": "string",

"first_name": "string",

"last_name": "string",

"business_name": "string",

"email": "string",

"phone": "string",

"session_id": "string",

"address_line1": "string",

"address_line2": "string",

"address_city": "string",

"address_state": "string",

"address_zip": "string",

"address_country": "string",

"agreement": {

"locale": "en",

"template_data": "Nothing",

"type": "Self",

"agreement_id": "93859dklsdkf"




Got this response with status code 400


"message": "Invalid JSON format"


API Token
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islasophia avatar image islasophia commented ·

Facing the issue of creating an ACH token with a 400 - Invalid JSON format error can be frustrating. It’s essential to ensure that the JSON structure is correctly formatted and all required fields are included. Just like a grease pump is needed to ensure smooth operation of machinery, proper formatting is crucial for smooth API integrations and token creation!

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Leonardolap avatar image
Leonardolap answered Leonardolap edited

The "400 - Invalid JSON Format" error typically arises due to structural or formatting issues in the JSON payload. Here are some additional considerations to address this:

  • Field validation: Ensure fields like "check_type," "customer_id_type," and "customer_id_state" comply with the API's expected formats and values. Refer to the documentation for specifics.
  • Correct nesting: Verify that all objects and arrays within your JSON payload are correctly nested and aligned according to the API's schema.
  • Encoding issues: Check for any special characters or incorrect encoding that might cause parsing errors.
  • Testing tools: Leverage JSON testing tools, such as Postman or a JSON schema validator, to ensure the payload adheres to the API specifications.

Meticulous review of the payload structure and content against the YouTube Premium APK 2025 API documentation is critical to resolving such errors.

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sadaf-kanwal83 avatar image
sadaf-kanwal83 answered

The issue "Creating ACH token got 400 - Invalid JSON Format" typically arises due to incorrect data structure or missing fields in the JSON request. Ensure the payload follows the required format and validate it before sending. Double-check headers and API documentation for accuracy. While resolving this, I also checked the gold rate today in Peshawar, which might vary based on market fluctuations.

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