
davebpe avatar image
davebpe asked stivjakobs answered

Can you export photos from Clover Flex 3 taken with onboard camera?

Hey all,

I hope this is the right place to ask this. Is there a way to export photos taken with the built-in camera on a Clover Flex 3 to use them elsewhere?

I have tried sharing via bluetooth to my laptop but that fails every time. Lenovo Thinkpad T14s running Win11 incase that matters.

Connecting via USB-C also not working. No device shown when plugged into my laptop.

Thank you!

- Dave

Clover Flex
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stanleyrobin avatar image stanleyrobin commented ·

Hello @ rainbow friends, yes, it is possible to export photos taken with the built-in camera on a Clover Flex 3. The Clover Flex 3 has a microSD card slot. You can insert a microSD card into the device, transfer the photos to the card, and then remove the card. Use an SD card reader to connect the microSD card to your laptop and access the photos.

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stivjakobs avatar image
stivjakobs answered

Hello! Understanding how to effectively use studio lighting can be tricky, but the guide on how to set up studio lighting made it much clearer for me. It provides practical advice on light placement, different lighting techniques, and how to enhance your photography results. If you’re aiming to improve your studio setup, this is the perfect resource!

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