
ramu avatar image
ramu asked eeaaajaa answered

Capturing pre auth in offline mode

When clover is not connected with the internet then the capturing pre auth is not working as offline once the network is available then we are trying to capture the transaction that earlier has been done but the capture pre auth is not working i am using the payment connector.

Clover Android SDK
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indiabiggame avatar image indiabiggame commented ·

He is the first scholar who found a link between rummy and the Spanish card game, Conquian. In fact, Conquian might be rummy's most direct ancestor. Even though it originated in Spain, it took form and evolved to the early versions of rummy in Mexico when the Spanish immigrants arrived in the Americas in the 19th century. When the immigrants began moving north, Conquian reached the United States and Canada.

Conquian and Rummy

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

The device must be online to use auhorizations

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indiabiggame avatar image
indiabiggame answered

Conquian may have arrived in Mexico in the 19th century, but it originated earlier. Most probably, it originated 400 years ago. The reason Conquian is believed to be the direct ancestor of rummy is that the basic rules of both games are the same. There are two stacks - the stockpile from which cards are drawn and a waste pile into which cards that are not needed are discarded.

As Conquian traveled the length and breadth of the Americas, people began to put their own spin on the card game and rummy emerged.

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eeaaajaa avatar image
eeaaajaa answered

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