
chrispetchey avatar image
chrispetchey asked jeanparcks answered

How do others implement the sandbox for customer testing?

So, I've written an app, completed my own testing

Now my potential customers want to be able to test it for themselves in a sandbox environment

How do others implement this?

It seems that I can test my app in the sandbox for my own test merchants

If my potential customer creates a sandbox for themselves, they can't see my app which is in my developer sandbox.

Sorry if this is a basic question, but I can't work it out

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chrispetchey avatar image chrispetchey commented ·
I mean, do I create a test merchant for my customer in my developer sndbox account and give them access as employees?

Do they create their own merchant sandbox account?

or is there a better way?
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1 Answer

jeanparcks avatar image
jeanparcks answered

Implementing a sandbox for potential customers to test your app is a common and important step in the software development process. One approach is to create a custom sandbox environment where clients can interact with your application without affecting ongoing data or transactions.

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To achieve this, you can create a separate isolated software environment specifically for testing purposes. This sandbox environment should reflect the functionality of your application, but run in a controlled, isolated environment. You can then provide potential customers with credentials or a link to this sandbox environment, allowing them to freely explore and test your application.

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