I have a custom "app" with Clover that is just used to let me access the REST API to process payments using my custom POS system with a physical clover device. I recently learned of a change to expiring tokens and despite reading over everything I'm still confused if this applies to me.
I use the REST api to do various endpoints like:
Right now my workflow for this is:
1. I generate an access token using https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/oauth/authorize?client_id= where I provide the app ID and a redirect url
2. The redirect url gets sent a $_GET['code'] ($code) for which I then load the contents of "https://clover.com/oauth/token?client_id=$client_id&client_secret=$client_secret&code=$code.
3. This returns an access token which I store securely to use and then do the above again if I ever need to + it expires (which as far as I know doesnt happen often).
So in this process what would be changing? I've tried emailing developer relations multiple times but they just don't respond.