
sunny avatar image
sunny asked parquet76 answered

Why can't I change my order status?

I created an automic order and later made payment using the network pay display app. The status of the order created after payment was changed from “open” to “paid.” I confirmed that the response came as "200ok" and the order state also came as "paid". And when I looked up the order list of the store registered in, the order status that had been changed to "paid" was still set to "open". Why can't I change my order status?


{ "state" : "paid" }

Res : 200ok


"href": "{mid}/orders/{order_id}",

"id": "order_id",

"currency": "USD",

"employee": {

"id": "{employee_id}"


"total": 3300,

"taxRemoved": false,

"isVat": false,

"state": "paid",

"manualTransaction": false,

"groupLineItems": false,

"testMode": false,

"createdTime": 1705025484000,

"clientCreatedTime": 1705025484000,

"modifiedTime": 1705033356000


Orderssecure network pay display
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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

You can't pay for an order you created via Secure Network Pay Display. SNPD will create an order behind the scenes when a payment is made. So, if you actually created an order via API you would have two orders (the order you created which will be open, and the order that SNPD created which will be paid). Read a more detailed explanation here -

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