
schristie avatar image
schristie asked bryanvargas answered

Clover menu not syncing with integration 3rd party apps

This is in regards to the integration Clover offers with Uber Eats GrubHub and DoorDash.

When I add new photos or menu items or change pricing the clover system is not syncing in real time with third-party apps, Uber eats DoorDash GrubHub, etc. none of the new photos or menu items or price changes appear on the third-party apps.

it was working properly not too long ago and the changes were going into effect immediately. But as of recent the updates take days to take place or they don’t take place at all. I’ve called customer service and they created a case but it’s been over a week and I haven’t heard from them. I’m familiar with the system, and I have power cycled. All of the POS is with no success yet.

Any advice?

semi-integrationsclover developer community
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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.
You can also see if you can contact the third party app to see if they have any syncing issues. Also please make sure your devices are online and have stable internet, this could cause the delay. Clover Support should troubleshoot the root cause and guide you to a resolution.

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