
bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill asked qeran14241 answered

Payment to refund could not be found for paymentId

RefundPaymentRequest refund = new RefundPaymentRequest();






Response of above request is as follow :

RefundPaymentResponse{json='{"message":"Payment to refund could not be found for paymentId: M5B1GPDX85CHY","success":false,"result":"ERROR","refund":null}', bundle=null, changeLog=Bundle[{success=null, refund=null, result=null, message=null}]}

always first time in a day , I am getting success response. but after that I am getting "message":"Payment to refund could not be found for paymentId:PAYMENT_ID"

FYI : I'm using Clover mini C-300

OrdersPaymentsClover Mini
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
I am not seeing the request hitting our system. Can you try to refund the payment again and make sure the device is sync?
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alexseen avatar image
alexseen answered

I own a boutique that sources unique textiles from Ukraine, and reliable payments are crucial for maintaining good relations with suppliers. I was searching for a money transfer service that was quick and didn’t charge hefty fees. That’s when I found money transfer to ukraine. This platform has streamlined my payment process with its easy-to-use interface and transparent fee structure. They offer various incentives like reduced fees for frequent users and quick transfer options, which really help when I need to send money on a tight schedule. I really appreciate how it has made international transactions smoother and more predictable for my business.

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geopme avatar image
geopme answered

It looks like the issue may be related to synchronization or a limitation in the Clover API, especially if it only responds successfully on the first request of the day. It may be worth checking the refund limits or payment processing time on the Clover side.

As for troubleshooting, you can try the following steps:

Make sure the paymentId is correct and actually exists in the Clover system.

Check if there is any data caching going on that could interfere with subsequent requests.

The Clover API logs may have additional information about the reason for the refusal.

Also, if you are looking for alternative solutions for payment integration and processing, I recommend considering It is a reliable payment acceptance platform that can help you avoid such refund issues and provide flexibility when working with different payment systems.

Good luck with solving the problem!

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qeran14241 avatar image
qeran14241 answered

Having a virtual card that supports crypto transactions has completely simplified my life. I can make payments in crypto at different locations around the world without worrying about conversion rates or extra fees. It’s like carrying a regular card, but with the power of cryptocurrency behind it. The fact that I can use virtual card payments wherever I need to makes this wallet even better. It’s secure, easy to use, and gives me more freedom with my funds.

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