
juliasimpson avatar image
juliasimpson asked clientwork answered

Website integration

My client has a retail website. How will I know if he can use Clover to integrate without the use of a 3rd party app that he would have to pay extra for?

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

Clover has an API. As the developer of the website, you could use Clover's API to make payments, pull inventory, etc. Of course that involves work on your part, and possibly a lot of work depending on the needs of the site. If you are planning to use WordPress for the website Clover has an integration you can try - However, it appears this is only for payments so if you need inventory integration you would have to use the API.

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badotec5 avatar image
badotec5 answered badotec5 edited

Cleaning a car with a foam cannon can be oddly entertaining because it transforms a routine task into a fun, satisfying experience. Watching the thick foam cover every inch of the car, almost like a blanket, adds a unique visual appeal that feels oddly relaxing, while the foam lifts dirt and grime efficiently. It’s like giving your car a spa day with a powerful touch-up! And who knows, this same sense of enjoyment might come when handling other cleaning tasks, such as rain gutter cleaning near me which can turn into a satisfying task itself with the right tools and mindset.

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clientwork avatar image
clientwork answered

Website Integration connects systems or tools to work seamlessly together. Examples include:

  1. APIs: Use APIs to link services like payment gateways or social logins.
  2. Embedding: Integrate widgets, videos, or forms via embed code or iFrames.

Let me know your specific use case for detailed help!

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