Hello Everyone!
So we poll the Clover API every 30 mins to retrieve any new sales and add these to our database for the particular user, What we are seeing though if we checked the next day and compared the total daily sales on the Clover API to what we had in our database they wouldn't match and we would have more sales in our database somehow and when we go back and check the Clover API to find that sale it no longer exists.
I have an example below, Is there anyway to check and see what happened to this order ID and see where it went as we can no longer see it on the Clover API so it wasn't voided for example but was imported and stored in our database as a closed sale.
"Tito's" with Modifier "Drink" Apr 16th 7:15pm EST with order id=PF60WF2KRAAVW, line id=MA8ATSGFZDG9M and modification id=G32ZAM5X58A00
All and any advice would be great as this isnt a one off example.
Thanks Graeme!