
vhernandez avatar image
vhernandez asked seocanavari answered

Payment core update

Hello, I have heard that clover is going to update the payment core app for gen2 devices, my question is when is it going to happen? is this the same app as the one running on the gen3?

Thank you always for your help.

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Manish avatar image
Manish answered Richelle Herrli commented


Yes, Clover will be upgrading the payment core app. For now, we urge all thirst party devs, who has gen2 devices, to run regression with this new app on sandbox env and let us know if you see any issues.

Yes, the same app is running on Gen3 devices.

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John Turnipseed avatar image John Turnipseed commented ·

We put in a request to update one of our Sandbox merchants that has a Flex 2 associated with it to use the new Payment Core app a couple days ago. We requested it using the Google Form link found on our Sandbox developer portal.

How can we tell if/when the Payment Core app has been updated on our device?

Our Flex 2 device under the requested merchant appears to have "com.clover.payment.core" version "1.0-287-prod" installed currently.

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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez John Turnipseed commented ·
That seems to be the app, I have another device (I did not request the app for it) that has not the CPA.
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vhernandez avatar image vhernandez commented ·
One more question, is the CPA UI look the same for both gen2 and gen3?. How can I make sure my device got the update?
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Richelle Herrli avatar image Richelle Herrli ♦♦ vhernandez commented ·
The UI for CPA has a white background, which is in contrast with SPA, which has a charcoal gray background. There are other differences in the UI, but the background color is the most visually distinct.
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barekus78321 answered

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cocacola12 avatar image
cocacola12 answered

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seocanavari avatar image
seocanavari answered

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Lazer epilasyon, istenmeyen tüylerden kalıcı olarak kurtulmak isteyen birçok kişi için popüler bir çözüm haline geldi. Trabzon'da da bu hizmeti sunan birçok merkez bulunmaktadır. Ancak, lazer epilasyon fiyatları hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak, doğru bir karar vermek açısından önemlidir.

Trabzon lazer epilasyon fiyatları

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