
Bejoy Nair avatar image
Bejoy Nair asked mohit commented

Merchant Permissions are incomplete/inaccurate

Hi - Our customer complained that they are not able to make payment using our app. This was surprising as other customers were able to make payment. I retrieved the permissions for that merchants using token and noticed the payment permission was missing.

My question is - How is it possible? Does a merchant have an option to refuse the permissions that we have requested in the POS app? If yes, how do they do it and also how do i ask them to give POS app the required permission.

Below is the JSON with permission:

{ "id": "d6664447-8eda-1585-be7f-78ed18ffb0da", "permissions": { "elements": [ { "name": "INVENTORYW" }, { "name": "MERCHANTR" }, { "name": "ORDERSR" }, { "name": "ORDERSW" }, { "name": "INVENTORYR" }, { "name": "MERCHANTW" } ] } }

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darran avatar image darran commented ·

How did you get access to this json?

{ "id": "d6664447-8eda-1585-be7f-78ed18ffb0da", "permissions": { "elements": [ { "name": "INVENTORYW" }, { "name": "MERCHANTR" }, { "name": "ORDERSR" }, { "name": "ORDERSW" }, { "name": "INVENTORYR" }, { "name": "MERCHANTW" } ] } }

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

* EDIT * Removing incorrect data.

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Bejoy Nair avatar image Bejoy Nair commented ·

Jeff - Here is the complete set of permissions, which should be there for each merchant. I do neet the PAYMENTR & PAYMENTW permission to accept online payments using APIBelow is what majority of my customers return:
{ "id": "2b5d6366-ecc1-ca69-fdb6-625cefbc5bd1", "permissions": { "elements": [ { "name": "ORDERSR" }, { "name": "CUSTOMERSR" }, { "name": "ORDERSW" }, { "name": "PAYMENTSR" }, { "name": "PAYMENTSW" }, { "name": "MERCHANTW" }, { "name": "INVENTORY_W" }, {

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Did you possibly add the permission at a later point (after the merchant installed the app)? Can you ask the merchant to uninstall / reinstall the app?

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