
Lorraine LIng avatar image
Lorraine LIng asked meharusman answered

How to hard-reset clover mini 3rd gen?

Hi. Is there a way to hard reset the Clover Mini 3rd gen device? In previous models, there was a power button behind the receipt paper roll. Is there a different mechanism for mini-3rd?
Thanks. Lorraine

Clover Mini
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rileytristan avatar image rileytristan commented ·
  1. Locate the power button on the Clover Mini device. It is usually located on the right-hand side of the device, near the top.
  2. Press and hold down the power button for about 10 seconds. Make sure to hold it until the device completely shuts down.
  3. Once the device is powered off, release the power button.
  4. Wait for a few seconds, then press and hold the power button again until the device powers back on.
  5. The device will go through the boot-up process and should reset to its default settings.
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meharusman avatar image
meharusman answered

To perform a hard reset on your Clover Mini 3rd Generation device, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Reset Button:

    • Open the receipt paper door on the bottom of the device.
    • Inside, you'll find a small reset button.
  2. Perform the Hard Reset:

    • Press and hold the reset button for 15 seconds.
    • Release the button after 15 seconds.
    • The device should initiate a reset process.

This procedure is commonly used to resolve issues where the device is unresponsive or stuck. More info

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