
memahesh avatar image
memahesh asked nifaba sent

Clover flex dev kit is not dessociating

I am trying to dissociate "C143UT20830584 " Currently associated with Dev-account (Grubbrr).

Intent is to associate with another dev-account.

1. tried factory reset. It is asking for a

2. After step 1, went thorugh Grubbrr dev-account, and trying to dessociate, and Even after pressign the button, nothing happens.

Can you please do the needful? (Dissociate this from Grubbrr account, so that I can associate with another dev-account.


1668632349386.png (157.8 KiB)
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memahesh avatar image
memahesh answered

Any updates on this post?

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johndavistq avatar image
johndavistq answered

It's great to see the Clover community actively assisting each other with technical issues. The detailed responses and collaborative spirit are invaluable for developers working with the Clover Flex Dev Kit. I have implemented such assistance on my website you can check here.

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anna25353 avatar image
anna25353 answered

It seems you're facing issues with dissociating the Clover flex dev kit from the Grubbrr account. Have you tried the classic Wordle game to clear your mind before tackling this? A factory reset should typically help, but if pressing the dissociate button yields no results, contacting customer support might be necessary. They can assist you in dissociating it so you can associate it with another dev account.

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noah8532g avatar image
noah8532g answered

If a Clover Flex device, part of the Clover Dev Kit, is not dissociating or disconnecting properly from your environment, it may indicate a technical or software-related issue that requires troubleshooting. Common reasons for this could include firmware bugs, network configuration problems, or incomplete unpairing from an account or system. To address this, ensure that the device's software is up to date with the latest version, as updates often include patches for such issues. Additionally, reviewing the Clover Flex’s network settings and checking the design for any active connections in your merchant account can be beneficial.

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ihankwillsays avatar image
ihankwillsays answered

If your Clover Flex device, which is part of the Clover Dev Kit, is having trouble disconnecting or dissociating from your setup, it might be due to a technical or software issue that needs to be resolved. Typical causes for this problem could be firmware glitches, issues with network settings, or an incomplete disconnection from an account or system. To fix this, make sure that the device's software is updated to the latest version, as updates frequently contain fixes for these types of problems. Furthermore, it's advisable to examine the Clover Flex’s network configurations and verify any active connections within your merchant account.

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anna25353 avatar image
anna25353 answered

It sounds like you're having trouble dissociating your Clover device from the Grubbrr account. After a factory reset, if the dissociation isn't working, consider trying a different approach, like checking for software updates. Meanwhile, if you're looking for a fun distraction, try playing the Slope Game to clear your mind! Please reach out to support for assistance in dissociating your device

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wandarichardson avatar image
wandarichardson answered

If your Clover Flex Dev Kit is not dissociating, it could be due to a connectivity issue or a problem with the device settings. Try restarting both the Clover device and your network, ensuring they are properly paired. If the issue persists, checking for any firmware updates or contacting Clover support might help resolve the problem. You can find more troubleshooting steps in the Clover developer documentation or support forums.

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robinerluke avatar image
robinerluke answered

The Clover Flex Developer Kit is designed to provide seamless integration and testing for developers working with Clover's payment solutions. However, one common issue faced by users is the device not dissociating from previous configurations or applications. This can occur when the device retains residual settings, making it difficult to pair with a new account or environment. To resolve this, developers should ensure that the device is properly reset to factory settings and all previous associations are cleared.

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