
dcairns avatar image
dcairns asked finacussolutions answered

Are there any differences to make to apps for Mini 3rd gen devices?

I am a developer supporting an Android Clover app and was wondering if you can tell me if there are any integration differences from the previous generations that we would need to make on our app to work on the Clover Mini 3 rd Gen devices?
I currently do not own a 3rd gen to test on.

Clover Miniandroid 10
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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

From a high level overview:

  • The Mini 3 has a different screen size (8" instead of 7")
  • The Mini 3 is on a different Android API level (29)
  • The hub has two USB A ports and two USB B ports (as opposed to four USB A ports)

You should always test apps before listing them on new Clover devices to ensure that they work as expected.

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finacussolutions avatar image
finacussolutions answered

The Clover Mini 3rd Gen has an updated screen size and resolution, so your app's UI might need to be adjusted. Make sure your app supports new hardware features or APIs specific to the 3rd Gen. Make sure it handles changes in connectivity and peripheral integration. It's best to test on the actual device to make sure it works.

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