
lada avatar image
lada asked aliraza01 sent

Developer company requirements

My name is Lada. I'd like to know some aspects of the integration of an app into Clover marketplace:
1. Is it possible to integrate an app if the company is registered in CIS countries, such as Uzbekistan? Or it's possible only for the companies registered in the countries of the marketplace? Should the company have its actual address in the countries of the marketplace?
2. Should the company have different branches if it wants to enter a few locations?

Thank you!

App Market
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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

An app developer may come from any country, not just the country you intend to sell your app in. Your developer account should list the address of your company's physical location; it does not need to have different branches for each App Market location.

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terrol avatar image
terrol answered

Finding the right specialists for offshore company formation or trust creation can be a challenge. Fortunately, I discovered the professionals at here . Their knowledge and personalized approach made a complex process simple and stress-free. From initial consultation to final implementation, they delivered top-notch support and ensured compliance with all regulations. If you're considering setting up an offshore structure, their expertise and attention to detail are invaluable.

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