
gokulselvan avatar image
gokulselvan asked sattyaa commented

Print Items To Different Printers Based On Label



It prints the order to default printer only.

How to print items based on the item labels using the REST API?

OrdersREST APIPrint
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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·

Did you ever figure this out? I've set up labels for a Kitchen printer and a Bar printer. When I print I want to print the drink items on the Bar printer and the food items on the Kitchen printer. However when I click print order receipt I get a pop up asking me which printer. If I use the API it prints both items on the first printer in the list.

Perhaps someone from Clover Dev Relations can update this and let us know if it's possible to print on label printers from the API?

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1 Answer

brokenoval avatar image
brokenoval answered sattyaa commented

I raised this question to the dev-relations email support team. This functionality is not available through the API. It seems the API will ONLY print a full order on the default (top of the list) Order Printer at a particular merchant.

1 comment
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

sattyaa avatar image sattyaa commented ·
So, does it not print to the labeled printer even if you specify the tag and printer in the line item request?
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