
bhampton avatar image
bhampton asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

need help getting authorization code in production

i am trying to get an authorization code so i can get an oauth2 token in prod. i am using this url,{APP_ID}. i use this in sandbox, pick a merchant and get my callback url with the auth code. In prod, i select a merchant and get this error: {"message":"Site URL not configured for developer app {MY APP_ID}"}.

what should i do to configure a site URL? I do not see the REST configuration option, how do i get it to show up?

In sandbox i see it:

  • App Type


Android (Station, Mobile, Mini, Flex, Station 2018, Mini(2nd Generation)), REST Clients

· Requested Permissions


Read and Write: Customers, Employees, Inventory, Merchant, Orders, Payments


· REST Configuration


Site URL: http://localhost:8080

Default OAuth Response: CODE

· Ecommerce Settings


Set your integration type and what type of payments you'll take

· Android APKs

In production i don't see it.

  • App Type


Android (Mobile, Mini, Station 2018, Mini(2nd Generation))

  • Requested Permissions


Read and Write: Customers, Employees, Inventory, Merchant, Orders, Payments


  • Ecommerce Settings


Set your integration type and what type of payments you'll take

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1 Answer

bhampton avatar image
bhampton answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

this is an urgent issue in prod. please provide assistance. using this site url, http://localhost:8080. is this the wrong port for prod?

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