
dimitri-borgers avatar image
dimitri-borgers asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Can discounts work both IRL and with BigCommerce partnership?

Few questions:

  1. Is there a tutorial showing how discounts are created on the Clover dashboard? I don't have an account yet so can't play around
  2. Can discounts created on Clover be used in BigCommerce if the integration is set up?
  3. How do these discounts apply IRL? Does a customer walk into the store and give the cashier a promo code?
  4. Can discounts be applied to a specific user group? (ie., you bucket users in a New York cohort and only they get the discount)
  5. Are discounts and promo codes different?
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

This forum is here to support third-party developers that build integrations on our platform. He seem to be pre-sales questions. Have you been in contact with a pre-sales rep that can answer these questions? FYI, you need to direct your big commerce questions to Big commerce whether they utilize our discounts is specific to that integration.

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