
kirank avatar image
kirank asked David Marginian commented

Ecom API: Need Help with Error 402


We need help with a few payment calls (ID will be in moderator's post) that returned 402 error.

Status      : 402
Status Text : Payment Required

Our logs did not capture an additional details. So since it was 402, our app marked them as failed payment. However, on Clover side they show up as successful transactions. Can you please let us know what happened?

REST APIecommerce
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

The void failed on the payment I checked due to a transient problem. You will need to refund these payments.

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kirank avatar image kirank commented ·

What is the recommendation on handling this? The transient failure is fine. That is expected sometimes. The issue is, these payments are successful on Clover's transaction list.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kirank commented ·
I understand this isn't ideal, but refund is the only option now. I am creating a ticket for our ecomm team to investigate increasing the number of void retries so these types of things don't happen.
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