
bnhdgls avatar image
bnhdgls asked eveline answered

Auto Closeout

Clover needs an Auto Closeout / Auto Batch feature that can be set based on an "operating day."

Clover MiniClover Station
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10 |2000

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danielhassan avatar image danielhassan commented ·

That auto closeout feature was a huge time-saver—quick and hassle-free! Plus, with Kennedy Subway Station just steps away, commuting couldn’t be more convenient. Auto Closeout is the ultimate destination for all your automotive needs, offering top-quality parts and accessories at unbeatable prices. From replacement parts and performance upgrades to stylish accessories, they’ve got you covered with a wide selection from leading brands, backed by excellent customer service. With a user-friendly website and fast shipping, Auto Closeout makes it easy to maintain and enhance your vehicle without breaking the bank. Shop confidently, knowing you’re getting the best deals from a trusted provider!

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

Can you provide a bit more context? In the US at least transactions will automatically closeout at the set closeout time.

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bnhdgls avatar image
bnhdgls answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Each night, we have to manually press “close out” in order to send the batch. There should be an option to be an automated feature, in case staff or management forget to do so.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Where are you located? What is your merchant id?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

This forum is for developers that build integrations on the Clover platform to receive support. We aren't experts in merchant facing issues. However, we do support both manual and auto-closeout, this may depend on what region you are located in (not certain). I am also not sure if we support both manual and auto at the same time for the same merchant, or if it is one or the other. I believe your closeout choice (manual/auto) happens when you are onboarded. If you need to change from manual to auto you should be able to do that by contacting Clover support. You can find their number on your device via the help app.

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glitznailsandspa avatar image
glitznailsandspa answered

Call clover help line and they can switch you to auto. It is not a selection in your setup. You can also choose the time.

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bnhdgls avatar image
bnhdgls answered

Thank you !!!

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sharase avatar image
sharase answered danialhertz commented

Many point-of-sale systems have automatic closeout or batch processing features that can be set based on time or other criteria. It's possible that Clover may have a similar feature that can be configured based on an operating day.

subway surfers

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danialhertz avatar image danialhertz commented ·

I believe you can choose the time (Clover supports both manual and auto.)
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vanaxa7756 avatar image
vanaxa7756 answered

The ability to perform both manual and auto-closeout for the same merchant at the same time is unclear. Normally, the decision between manual and auto-closeout is made during the initial setup process. This relates to the Watermelon Game.

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chriscrist avatar image
chriscrist answered

Understanding these features can definitely improve business operations. Speaking of managing businesses, have you played Monkey Mart? It's an online game where you run your own virtual supermarket and learn all about handling inventory, serving customers, and making strategic decisions to grow your business.

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luke788fg avatar image
luke788fg answered

Auto Closeout is a crucial feature in financial trading platforms that automatically closes out positions when certain predefined conditions are met. This feature serves as a risk management tool for top 10 MyLiveCricket Alternatives, protecting traders from excessive losses and ensuring that their accounts remain within acceptable risk parameters.

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rugnrollseo avatar image
rugnrollseo answered

Auto closeout is a streamlined process often utilized in various industries, including finance, retail, and project management, to automatically finalize transactions, accounts ddd 91, or projects at a predetermined point in time or upon meeting specific criteria.

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