A bug snuck into production and applied the wrong payment amount onto some orders. I'm trying to figure out how to change the payment amount to the correct value to fix the reporting.
Specifically what's happened is that and order may have been created for €2.00 but payment of €200 was applied to the same order. I've recreated a similar situation on Sandbox to try to fix this e.g. https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/r/ZNN6NKK5A47F2
You can see that the total payment there is $5.00 when the order total is only $3.60.
I can GET the correct payment.id from that order, and I've attempted using the following endpoint to update that payment:
with body.amount: 360
I get the following response:
{ "message": "Currently only lineItem payments or employee associated to payment can be updated. No lineItem payments or employee ID found."}
Is it possible to update an existing order level payment (not line item payment) at all?