
relixo avatar image
relixo asked Lukasz Wiktor answered

Can I create custom/private app for my own business?

Hello I am looking to create my own inventory/consignment management app solely only for my own business/clover account before I find a developer, I want to know can this be done?!

App Market
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered relixo commented

Yes, can you tell us a bit more about your app? Is it going to run on a Clover device or do you just need to use our REST APIs?

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relixo avatar image relixo commented ·
Not 100% sure, what I do know is that I would need it to be something similar to Shopventory where all inventory management is on a seperate system but synced with Clover. I just wanted to see if was possible to hire a developer to create us our own app for the business just for us and NOT for the clover app market.
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ relixo commented ·
Yes, it is possible. As a merchant, you have access to your own data via our API and merchant tokens (can be created from your merchant dashboard). If you need a native app it would have to go through our approval process but we have the concept of private apps (non Clover app market).
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relixo avatar image relixo commented ·

it’s kinda like a Shopventory in a sense but with more features? What do they use?

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oceansidesf avatar image
oceansidesf answered relixo commented

Have a lot of $$$.

I just had a custom app created and it cost $45,000 and doesn't work.

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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·
More than glad to resolve that pickle for you if you'd like.
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relixo avatar image relixo Bryanne Vega commented ·
I’m needing to crate my own “Shopventory” app with more features!
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Lukasz Wiktor avatar image
Lukasz Wiktor answered

Do you mind sharing what features are you missing in Shopventory?

I'm asking because I'm a developer. I've got some experience in inventory-related apps on Shopify. I'm now considering building apps for other e-commerce/POS platforms, including Clover.

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