
cloveruser808 avatar image
cloveruser808 asked cloveruser808 commented

When adding a partial payment using the Orders API endpoint, why does the order disappear from the register?

If I try adding a partial payment using the following endpoint:{mId}/orders/{orderId}/payments

To an order that is currently open in the register, the order immediately disappears from the register. The cashier has to go look for the orders in order to open it back up and complete any additional payments.

How can we add a partial payment using the REST API while keeping the order on the screen of the register?

REST APIPayments
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered cloveruser808 commented

I am guessing that it isn't possible but I will ask around.

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cloveruser808 avatar image cloveruser808 commented ·
I appreciate it. Thanks
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