Hi, I'm using remote pay iOS.
I have just test on Sandbox device.
I VOID this payment and get the response success
{success: true, result: SUCCESS, reason: voidSent, message: No extended information provided., payment: {clientCreatedTime: 1635277169000, cashbackAmount: 0, transactionInfo: {}, appTracking: {applicationID: dev.phan.flutter.clover_connect, sourceSDKVersion: 4.0.0, sourceSDK: com.cloverconnector.ios.ws}, order: {id: M2NW4KZN6FCCR}, amount: 500, externalPaymentId: 52, device: {id: 157b2613-b5db-ba69-b8c3-b45eb029d761}, tender: {opensCashDrawer: false, labelKey: com.clover.tender.debit_card, enabled: true, id: VYGH29SJ4N6ZG, visible: false, editable: false, label: Debit Card}, result: SUCCESS, employee: {id: GC6YVKR91Q126}, modifiedTime: 1635277173000, tipAmount: 75, taxAmount: 0, offline: false, id: J271TNWH0D6C2, createdTime: 1635277168000, cardTransaction: {type: AUTH, last4: 6668, first6: 601136, cardType: DISCOVER, referenceId: 129900500600, paymentRef: {id: J271TNWH0D6C2}, authCode: 210426, entryType: SWIPED, transactionNo: 600000, state: CLOSED, extra: {exp: 202512, athNtwkId: 06, tkntype: 1174, func: PINLESS_DEBIT, common: {"LocalDateTime":"20211026193928","POSEntryMode":"901","POSID":"5137","MerchID":"RCTST0000008099","TermEntryCapablt":"12","CardCaptCap":"1","STAN":"500600","POSCondCode":"00","TermLocInd":"0","TermID":"00000001","TrnmsnDateTime":"20211026193928","TermCatCode":"12"}, authorizingNetworkName: PULSE, cvmResult: NO_CVM_REQUIRED}, cardholderName: }}, paymentId: J271TNWH0D6C2, transactionNumber: 600000, voidReason: USER_CANCEL}
However, in the Transaction app of Sandbox device.
This transaction is still existed and can be REFUND.
In the Closeout app, this transaction is still existed in the Current Batch.
What's wrong with this VOID?