
mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt asked henrymarko edited

Print online orders to respective printers

We are trying to figure out how the printer labels work - how can we assign items to appropriate printers based on the printer labels (assuming these labels are used by Clover PoS to direct orders to the right printer)

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mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Thanks for the response. We are looking to assign printers for online orders - as they are printing to all printers irrespective of the printer label.

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mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Yes we are using this to Print job, by passing the order and all active printer object with it

PrintJob pj = new StaticOrderPrintJob.Builder().order(orderObject).build();

pj.print(context, account, printerObject);

and this to print job receipt

PrintJob pj = new StaticPaymentPrintJob.Builder().order(orderObject).build();

pj.print(context, account, printerObject);

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mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Just to confirm with a native app, we cannot execute the specific items to print to specific printers?

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mkabhi avatar image
mkabhi answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

@David, here is the problem statement:

we have items labled say wine, and meat and we have 2 order printers. so if item has lable wine then it is printed on the printer in the bar and if its meat then it is printed in the kitchen printer.

When we are creating order on the pos , and printing then it is printing correctly to respective printers but when we are creating online order from api and printing it then it is printing The Whole order on both the printers.

We want online orders to print on respective printers based on item label

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mkabhi avatar image
mkabhi answered killerfrost commented

@david thanks for the reply. I see what you mean , but i m curious to know why would print order behave differently for in store orders vs online orders? Isn’t there any flag in print job that would respect item tags

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adamd avatar image
adamd answered sattyaa commented

Not sure if this has been resolved but we have an app in the market called Smart Print which handles label printing amongst other features. Will be happy to lend assistance if needed. :)


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sattyaa avatar image sattyaa commented ·
Hey, can you please share how you did it?
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henrymarko avatar image
henrymarko answered henrymarko edited

To assign items to appropriate printers in Clover PoS website, set up printer labels under "Printer Groups" in the settings. Assign each item category to a specific printer group.

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