
brokenoval avatar image
brokenoval asked brokenoval edited

How to mark ecomm charges as non-revenue?

I'm using the Ecomm system to load a merchant's gift cards which will subsequently be spent in store. As such the initial Ecomm transaction is a "non-revenue" transaction, otherwise it would count twice towards revenue when it is eventually spent in store.

How can I mark the initial ecomm /v1/charge as "non-revenue" so it is treated correctly in the Merchant's reporting?


EDIT 2024: Is this possible yet? Did David's feature request ever get actioned?

e-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

I don't think this is currently possible via the charge API. I did submit a feature request but I don't expect it will be a high priority.

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