
Jay Slater avatar image
Jay Slater asked Jay Slater commented

Inventory item creation working in dev environment, not working in production

I'm an Android developer working for a gift card provider. To streamline the process of selling gift cards for merchants, our app adds an item to the Clover inventory, tracking it by its id property. Whenever a transaction including a gift card finishes, we fire up our app to finish the gift card loading process.

The problem is, creating the inventory item isn't working for any of our production customers. It works on all of our testing devices, including several different Clover terminals in our sandbox account, but end users (and, we just discovered, Clover testers) are finding that the custom inventory item is not added. Permissions in the Clover dashboard between the two versions are identical.

Is there something we're missing?

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Jay Slater avatar image Jay Slater commented ·


We don't have any spare Clover terminals for testing in the production environment, our customers are remote and not sufficiently technical to send us logs or give us remote access to a machine we can use for debugging, and we're not aware of any other way to get logs from a Clover terminal in the field.

Mostly, what I'm wondering is, why is IInventoryService behaving differently between sandbox and production? We just heard that Clover's testing also saw no item automatically created (the question was in error and has been edited), so we're at a bit of a loss here.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

It's highly recommended that you integrate a crash / bug reporting service into your app. There are free options for that. You could also provide us with a MCVE that could be run against the different environments to demonstrate the problem.

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