We've been trying to add modifiers to line items in both the bulklineitems and lineitems API endpoints without success (note: a single modifier via the lineitems endpoint works, but not an array of modifiers, or, any modifiers in the bulklineitems endpoint).
Here's a sample of what we've been sending:
"items": [{
"item": {
"id": "<item id>"
"price": 1195,
"name": "SANDWICH",
"modifications": [
"amount": 0,
"modifier": {
"price": 0,
"id": <modifier id>,
"name": <modifier name>
"item": {
"id": "<item id>"
"price": 1295,
"name": "PIZZA",
"modifications": [
"amount": 0,
"modifier": {
"price": 0,
"id": <modifier id>,
"name": <modifier name>
The line items get created without a problem, but never with any modifiers. Any ideas/suggestions?