
saiavanigadda avatar image
saiavanigadda asked okamura-slyco answered

Is it possible to establish Serial Communication between Clover(USB) and External Hardware device(Serial Port)?

Can I use available USB slots for Clover devices(Mini, Duo) and communicate with an external hardware device? I want to connect to an external hardware device(with RS232 female) responsible for printing. Is it possible to use the USB slots available in the clover devices or should they be enabled by Clover? Please let me know.

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered saiavanigadda edited

The device will need to be whitelisted for your app. Please contact

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saiavanigadda avatar image saiavanigadda commented ·
Ok thanks for the reply. I have just left a mail to the developer relations. Thank you.
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saiavanigadda avatar image saiavanigadda commented ·

Hello @Richelle,

I have requested for whitelisting the device. It's approved. Is it also same for sandbox? Both are approved at the same time ? I am getting this problem.


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okamura-slyco avatar image
okamura-slyco answered

Hello Clover Dev Rel Team,

Is this procedure of whitelisting still necessary for USB-CDC devices connecting to a Clover Mini 3? Has something changed on the process for using serial-USB devices from the last update in 2021?

Thanks in advance,

Marcos Okamura.

10 |2000

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