I want to synchronize the data between our web app and Clover Database.
I'm not sure this is the best way, but I figured if I purge the Items and Categories (we only use these) and also the CatergoryItems I can then POST all our data back again.
The problem is I'm uncertain how to delete CategoryItems. Is it via a POST method supplying the category Id and Item Id, and if found, its deleted, if not found its added .. like a toggle?
But also, if I delete the Category in the first instance, would this not cascade delete the CategoryItem, thus saving me the job of doing it manually?
I'm trying to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible and I'd rather not have to make 1000s of api calls.
This is not a task the Merchant would do very often, if ever. But is necessary as an option in case the two databases become out of sync.
Thanks Robin