
dhananjay avatar image
dhananjay asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

how to get LineItem with lineItemId

Hi team,

I am using ACTION_LINE_ITEM_ADDED intent to for item added to register application.

and by using the below method I am able to get ordered, lineItemId and ItemId

  1. orderId = intent.getStringExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.ORDER_ID")
  2. lineItemId = intent.getStringExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.LINE_ITEM_ID")
  3. val itemId: String? = intent.getStringExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.ITEM_ID")

I need a current lineItem created details like weight and price into the register app.

how do I get that using orderId LineItemId or itemId.

thank you,

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