
rizwan avatar image
rizwan asked rachel Deactivated answered

how to calculate exact discount in clover.

hello all,

clover round discount to next decimal number.

for example

i have one line item with price 0.85$. and i am applying 10% discount on each line item in order.

discount amount is 0.09$ but we expecting it 0.085$. 

now if i add one more same line item in order then total order amount goes to 1.70$

this time total discount amount is 0.18$ which should be 0.17$ and we are also expecting total discount to 0.17$

i am using the same code provided by clover.

    Discount discount1 = new  Discount();  
   discount1.setName(discountValue + "% Discount");

whereas discount object only accept long type in setPercentage Method

    for (LineItem updatedLineItem : updatedLineItems) {
     orderConnector.addLineItemDiscount(orderId, updatedLineItem.getId(), discount1);

can we modify discount amount without round to next decimal number ??

any help would be appreciated.

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