
muhammad-adeel avatar image
muhammad-adeel asked aniclouds answered

401 Unauthorized Production API

I am getting 401 Unauthorized error in the Production APIs.
I have successfully get the access_token from OAuth following the steps in the documentation.
However sandbox is working fine.
Here the complete URL to fetch the Order types on Production.

Is it possible to call this API from any Android device or it requires only Clover device?

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muhammad-adeel avatar image
muhammad-adeel answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

@David, Can we submit a build with the Sandbox app credentials for the approval.
The issue that we are facing right now is that on the one hand our app is currently not approved and on the other hand Clover team is getting 401 after OAuth completed. That's why they are rejecting our app.
We are currently stuck for the app approval. Please suggest. Thank you!

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aniclouds answered

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