
matiasmassaccesi avatar image
matiasmassaccesi asked matiasmassaccesi commented

New Print API: Print payment receipts


I'm about to integrate the new print API with my client's website and I would like to know if I can print the payment receipt too, besides the order receipt.

Thank you

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prakash avatar image
prakash answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Payment receipts is not supported at this time. Only order receipts.

Can you please elaborate on the use case for payment receipt web printing?


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matiasmassaccesi avatar image matiasmassaccesi commented ·

My client asked me to print these two receipts:

Do you think it's possible?

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prakash avatar image prakash matiasmassaccesi commented ·
Currently, the Payment receipt can't be printed.
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matiasmassaccesi avatar image matiasmassaccesi prakash commented ·
In my example the payment receipt is the one on the right?
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matiasmassaccesi avatar image
matiasmassaccesi answered jitesh-tandel commented

Do you think that printing payment receipts will be released soon? Or there's no plan for that?

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prakash avatar image prakash commented ·

So far there is no immediate plan for that.. and highly likely not in 2021, but I will create a ticket and see how we can prioritize it.

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jitesh-tandel avatar image jitesh-tandel commented ·

I am also facing the same issue. My merchant also needs the Payment Receipt along with the Order Receipt. Basically, Merchant needs more details like Subtotal, Tax, and Total which are not present in the Order Receipt so we are looking for the payment Receipt in which I guess more details are available. See the link below.

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matiasmassaccesi avatar image
matiasmassaccesi answered matiasmassaccesi commented

I've resolved it by using the "Smart Print" app which is in the Clover Marketplace, you pay something like 20usd/month and they provide an API to print order and payment receipt. Do not use the Clover Print API.

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jitesh-tandel avatar image jitesh-tandel commented ·

Thanks. "Smart Print" app looks good to me. Do you know any other third party apps other than "Smart Print"?

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matiasmassaccesi avatar image matiasmassaccesi jitesh-tandel commented ·
No, I haven't found any other app like that. They also have a good support.
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