
prateek avatar image
prateek asked prateek commented

Permission Error "app does not have permission ORDERS_R"

Based on documentation steps I followed

1. Uninstall the app from Test Device
2. On Developers Dashboard, Checked 'Read' permission for Orders
3. Uploaded new signed APK on Dashboard with an incremented
4. On Test Device, Launch App Market
5. Search for App
6. Check Permission section, 'It is updated now with Read permission for
Orders' (This is good)
7. Installed the App
8. From Android Studio, Side-loaded the app to device
9. I got a message the App on device will be uninstalled, and new APK
will be installed
10. Clicked 'Ok'
11. Permission error persists

My question is, after Step 7, the app should have updated permission on device and side-loading the app should read it.

Which step is incorrect? or am I missing something, Any pointers/help is highly appreciated.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

skodama avatar image skodama commented ·

Hi @mark.mullan,

I'm having the same problem with my app.

I have followed the same procedure as the OP, and when I check the app permissions at the App Market->Installed Apps it shows the required permissions correctly.

My app ID is CTT2CQNW7J4JE and it is in a sandbox dev account.

Thank you

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prateek avatar image prateek commented ·

The way I got around this was to create a new app through web, giving it all permission I need, then upload the apk and download the app back on virtual device and test device. That was much faster than researching the cause of this.

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skodama avatar image skodama commented ·

@Prateek, thank you for the info.

I created a new app with all the permissions enabled, but it still doesn't work. I had better open a new question.

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