
Duane Craw avatar image
Duane Craw asked darbyesmith answered

New test app in sandbox now completing download to devkit

I created a test android app and uploaded the app to the developer site. The app shows up in the App Market on my devkit devices, but when I click download, the button changes to say "Downloading..." and never completes the download.

The app I am trying to download is Quick18 TeeTime Test1 (com.quick18.clovertest1).

Is there a way to get any other information to troubleshoot a failed download? Or is that something obvious I am missing?

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Duane Craw avatar image Duane Craw commented ·

01-11 15:35:29.852: I/DownloadInstallProgressManager(3164): com.quick18.clovertest1 INSTALL_PROCESSING 01-11 15:35:30.092: I/DownloadInstallProgressManager(3164): com.quick18.clovertest1 UNKNOWN

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Kavin Kannan avatar image Kavin Kannan commented ·

I'm facing the same issue. Tried rebooting the Clover Station, but the screen stays at "Downloading ..." I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app from Dev - Merchant account- App Market.

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Kavin Kannan avatar image Kavin Kannan commented ·

@mark.mullan thanks for the response, I did notice that even in my case, as I was uploading the app, it stopped at 11%. May be the app was not uploaded completely in my case either.

I tried to add a version 2.0 and it happened again. Upload stuck at 12%. There's no form of error messages shown, hard to figure out what's the issue

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Duane Craw avatar image Duane Craw commented ·

I built a new version of the app, and uploaded it. And that version installs correctly. Must have been some error in the original upload.

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