
bakerymanager avatar image
bakerymanager asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Clover Mini disconnects every day same time

Everyday at 4p but most often 6:30p our clover mini disconnects from Shopkeep. It’s usually discovered when we go to take a credit card payment and it shows as not connected. No other devices in our network are down so it doesn’t seem to be a network issue. We switched to a dynamic ip since we previously had static ip and learned that wasn’t compatible. Help! The only fix we have so far is to shut down the clover and iPad and reboot both of them, then connection happens immediately and is good until closing time?!?! We have tried everything Shopkeep throws our way and nothing has resolved the issue.

Clover Minisecure network pay display
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10 |2000

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Do you need pairing again between iPad & Clover after rebooting?

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1 Answer

hergy80 avatar image
hergy80 answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Check the reboot time. Go to the home screen on the mini and select Settings (the gear icon). Scroll down to "About Mini" and then check the reboot time. The minis reboot daily and it might be set to that time, or your timezone may not be set right causing it to reboot at that time.

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bakerymanager avatar image bakerymanager commented ·

Thanks for the suggestion! I tried this and found the reboot time is 3:55A so unfortunately this is not the issue.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bakerymanager commented ·

The Clover Mini doesn't connect to Shopkeep, Shopkeep connects to the Clover mini. It is possible the device running your POS is having a networking issue, or the mini is. However, the POS should be able to recover from a scenario like this. Can you provide the serial number of the device you are having an issue with in a private/moderators only post and the timezone you are in? I can check the device logs around that time.

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