We're using the REST API to make payments on some orders we push to the Clover system. Sometimes, these payments include tips.
However, there seems to be specific logic that is used by the first-party "Tips" app by Clover that prevents our payments from appearing in that app, which is bothersome, since it means that the only other way to view tips is from the orders or transactions directly, which isn't very efficient if there are many orders/tips generated per day.
For example, the following payment appears in the Tips app:
{ "id": "xxxx", "order": { "id": "xxxx" }, "device": { "id": "xxxx" }, "tender": { "href": "https://www.clover.com/v3/merchants/xxxx/tenders/abc123", "id": "abc123", "editable": false, "labelKey": "com.clover.tender.credit_card", "label": "Credit Card", "opensCashDrawer": false, "enabled": true, "visible": true }, "amount": 1, "tipAmount": 2, "taxAmount": 0, "employee": { "id": "xxxx" }, "createdTime": 1618341492000, "clientCreatedTime": 1618341493000, "modifiedTime": 1618341506000, "offline": false, "result": "SUCCESS" }
But this one does not:
{ "id": "xxxx", "order": { "id": "xxxx" }, "tender": { "href": "https://www.clover.com/v3/merchants/xxxx/tenders/def456", "id": "def456", "editable": false, "labelKey": "com.clover.tender.external_gift_card", "label": "External Gift Card", "opensCashDrawer": false, "enabled": true, "visible": true }, "amount": 328, "tipAmount": 200, "taxAmount": 25, "employee": { "id": "xxxx" }, "createdTime": 1618342488000, "clientCreatedTime": 1618342488000, "modifiedTime": 1618342488000, "result": "SUCCESS", "note": "payment test" }
Is there some specific logic that is used by the Tips app to determine which tips it actually shows? We'd ultimately like our tips to appear in this app/report as well because it's a convenient place for this information to be exported from daily by the cashiers.